Our belief

We, at ADS Spirits, believe in giving back to society whatever we have created through our business. It is our "sense of responsibility" towards the community and surrounding in which we operate. Our aim is to create a positive impact on society by doing something to the society.

CSR is not a compulsion for us but a way of life!

Our endeavours

Our major focus is to save environment and water for the generations to come and therefore we are actively participating in the activities of sapling trees and conserving water in the villages near us.

Apart from above, we are setting up a dispensary near to our Beri Plant in Jhajjar District to provide better and free health services to the needy villagers

Product and Services

To Create Harmony with Customers and Partners


To Create Harmony with Nature

Cultural and Social Contribution

To Create Harmony with Society

Diversity Management

To Create Harmony with Employee


We are the only Unit in India with Bag filter and ESP on Power Generation Unit to achieved Zero AIR Pollution

Responsible drinking

We believe in propagating responsible drinking so that adults of LDA who choose to consume alcohol do so in a manner that does not harm others and minimizes risk of harm to the consumer.